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Wichtige Ideen, um Speisenauslagen im Catering sauber und steril zu halten

Geschrieben von Jaycee Morrill | |4 Minuten Lesezeit

4 Key Food and Beverage Catering Display Practices That Support Success 

Hotels, resorts, and convention centers rely on catering as a pillar of their service offerings. While hospitality businesses with catering options tend to earn their reputation on food quality, presentation, and level of service, cleanliness and food safety are just as important. 

These four buffet table food display ideas will help you keep catering environments clean and your business’s reputation pristine.

1. Use Linenless Food Display Tables and Easy-to-Clean Materials

Stone, wood, laminate, and metal looks are trending. Not only do these materials provide attractive options for linenless tables, but they are also easy to clean and disinfect. Using tables crafted from one of these trending materials lets you avoid the hassle of dealing with linens while providing a cleaner more contemporary look for sophisticated guests.

Diese natürlichen Materialien können Sie überall auf Ihrem Grundstück tragen. Schön Buffettische Kann mit Servierschalen aus gehämmertem Aluminium und Holztabletts bestückt werden. Durch die Kombination verschiedener natürlicher Materialien müssen Sie nicht jedes Möbelstück aufeinander abstimmen und können dennoch ein einheitliches Erscheinungsbild erzielen, das das Essen zum Strahlen bringt.

Imara Nesting Tables by MityLite used for a breakfast and coffee station

If minimizing the spread of germs is paramount for an event, providing pre-packaged foods and beverages is the best option. This service method prevents the transfer of germs from guest to guest on serving spoon handles and chafers. 

Zusätzlicher Tipp

Because of their ability to hold germs, linens are not the most sanitary option for dining rooms. Instead, purchase linenless tables that have a seamless tabletop. This will provide a surface that is easier to clean with nowhere for germs to hide.

2. Provide Safe Solutions

Achten Sie nicht nur auf Tische ohne Tischwäsche und vorverpackte Lebensmittel, sondern stellen Sie auch sicher, dass Ihre Lebensmittelpräsentation Ihr Engagement für Sicherheit zum Ausdruck bringt. Enthalten Schutzschilde auf Arbeitsplatten zur Trennung von Mitarbeitern und Gästen. Platzieren Sie diese außerdem strategisch auf den Tischen im gesamten Essbereich. Benutzen Partitionen zwischen Tischen und Arbeitsplätzen ist ebenfalls eine gute Lösung.

In times of high germ spread like during cold or flu season, think about how to provide room for social distancing. Providing tables with integrated power is one way to do this, and guests often appreciate the easy access to an outlet.

3. Provide a Local Experience

For years, tourists and travelers have craved local experiences. This was true among those traveling for both business and pleasure. This desire is no less true today. Loading up your food table displays with local options allows your guests to get a taste of the area. 

Properties can partner with nearby establishments to create unique offerings with a local flair. From beverage offerings to pastries, there are many options that will improve the guest experience while supporting local businesses.

International food platter at a business meeting

4. Support Sustainability

Increasingly, customers are concerned with environmental issues, and they want to support businesses that are behaving with similar concern for the environment. For this reason, sustainability has been one of the most noticeable food & beverage trends in recent times.

Beispiele hierfür reichen von der Förderung vegetarischer und veganer Optionen bis hin zum Einsatz intelligenter Glühbirnen und intelligenter Heizungen zum Energiesparen. Auch die Verwendung nachhaltigerer Materialien für Dinge wie Servietten und Teller nimmt zu.

Obviously, the uptick in prepacked foods is a challenge for sustainability. Having a robust recycling program complete with educational signage can counteract the impact. This can also be incorporated into your nature-focused display practices as discussed in tip number one.

Invest in High-Quality Food Service Display Tables 

Following safe food service display trends can help you attract more travelers to your property. Set yourself up for success in these efforts by choosing food display tables that are easy to clean, easy to set up, and easy on the eyes even without tablecloths. MityLite award-winning commercial furniture has the ideal selection of linenless food display tables built for long-term catering use. 


Level-up your display offerings

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Jaycee Morrill


Jaycee hat einen Bachelor in User Experience Design und mehr als 6 Jahre Erfahrung im Marketing und ist auf die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für gemeinnützige Organisationen, das Gastgewerbe und die Franchisebranche spezialisiert. Sie bietet Einblicke in die Maximierung des Werts von MITY Inc.-Produkten.